What details should be paid attention to when buying a second-hand truck? In fact, it is much more difficult to buy a second-hand truck than a new truck. Consumers who buy cars now are more and more concerned about the details of second-hand trucks. There has been a rule in the second-hand truck industry, that is, three musts and five don’ts. The following editor will explain the content of “three don’ts and five don’ts” in detail.

  1. Three Don’ts
  2. Don’t ignore the source of the truck
    When buying a second-hand truck, you must pay attention to the source of the car, especially you can’t buy modified cars, stolen cars and assembled trucks, especially scrapped cars. You must also ask whether the taxes and annual inspection fees of the second-hand trucks sold are in arrears, whether they are mortgage loan cars, and whether they are mortgage loan cars. Before signing the contract for the transaction procedures, you must ask clearly.
  3. Don’t just look at the appearance of the truck (you can’t just look at the appearance when buying a second-hand truck)
    Now the cosmetic technology of cars is very advanced, and many old cars have been refurbished, which are almost the same as new cars after refurbishment. Therefore, when buying a second-hand truck, you should pay more attention to the performance of the truck, and don’t judge the quality of a car only from the appearance of the car.
  4. Do not fail to sign the transfer contract of the truck
    After the transaction, the second-hand truck must complete the transfer procedures in time. The transfer procedures mainly include the driving license, motor vehicle registration certificate and the change of owner information, because only in this way can the truck after the transfer truly belong to you. If the insurance has not expired, you must remember to change the transfer.
  5. Five things not to buy
  6. Do not buy cars with unclear origins. Some cars have incomplete procedures and cannot prove the source of the vehicle. Such cars with unknown origins must not be purchased.
  7. Do not buy discontinued models. Since the current trucks are updated and replaced quickly, it is possible that this model will be discontinued after a few years, and the corresponding accessories will also be discontinued. For your future maintenance, it is a troublesome thing to find accessories, and the cost of repairing such a car will also be relatively high.
  8. Do not buy modified trucks. In order to facilitate the transportation of goods, some truck drivers arbitrarily lengthen, widen, or modify the chassis of the truck without going through the preparatory department of the vehicle management department. These are not allowed and are illegal operations. Such cars cannot be bought.
  9. Don’t buy if the owner is unreliable. Unreliable owners mainly refer to vehicles with serious violations or lawsuits. Although such second-hand trucks may be cheaper, if you are involved in a lawsuit, you will lose more than you gain.
  10. Don’t buy trucks with mortgage loans. Many trucks are mortgaged vehicles. Such trucks have debts. The owner must pay off the loan before buying, otherwise such second-hand trucks should not be purchased.
    The above are the details that need to be paid attention to when buying a second-hand truck, that is, the “three don’ts and five don’ts” mentioned by the editor, mainly pay attention to these aspects of information. Of course, there are other small details to pay attention to, such as checking whether the parts of the truck are damaged. In short, when buying a second-hand truck, don’t blindly listen to the one-sided words of the introducer, and do more research.

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