The carburetor and exhaust pipe of the internal combustion engine must not have backfire. The exhaust pipe should be installed in the front of the vehicle.
Tank truck workers are not allowed to wear shoes with iron spikes. Smoking is strictly prohibited near oil tanks, and fires are strictly prohibited.

When parking, keep away from fire sources and choose a cool place to park in hot seasons. During thunderstorms, do not park under large trees or high-voltage lines. When parking during driving, there should be someone to supervise the vehicle.

During the maintenance process, if operators need to enter the oil tank, they are strictly prohibited from carrying fire, and must have reliable safety protection measures, and there must be dedicated supervision outside the tank.
All electrical devices on the vehicle must be well insulated and sparks are strictly prohibited. Vehicle work lighting should be safety lights below 36V.

When the oil tank sedimentation tank is frozen, it is strictly forbidden to bake it with fire. It can be melted with hot water or steam, or the car can be thawed in a greenhouse.When performing maintenance and inspection under the car, the internal combustion engine should be turned off, the hand brake should be tightened, and the wheels should be firmly held.
When a vehicle needs to be tested after being repaired, it should be driven by a qualified person. No people or objects are allowed on the vehicle. When it needs to be tested on the road, it should have a test license issued by the traffic management department.
When parking on a slope, the reverse gear should be engaged when parking downhill and the first gear should be engaged when parking uphill, and the tires should be tightened with triangular wooden wedges.

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