Semi-trailer manufacturing will be oriented towards the development trend of heavy-duty, high-tech and high-value-added. In recent years, my country’s shipping, road freight and container transportation markets have become increasingly prosperous, which has led to an increase in the demand for semi-trailers. With the intensification of competition in the semi-trailer market and the increase in product costs, the competitive advantage of labor-intensive products in winning by price will be further weakened, and alternative economic growth based on technological innovation will become a new economic growth mode for the special-purpose vehicle industry. In addition, the market demand for high-tech and high-value-added products will greatly increase, and this trend will increase the enthusiasm of special-purpose vehicle companies to develop high-tech and high-value-added products. In the coming period, the large-scale application of high-tech and the traditional cost advantage of my country’s special-purpose vehicle products will enable domestic special-purpose vehicles to reach a new level in terms of exports.

Semi-trailer manufacturing will be oriented towards the trend of export (heavy-duty, multi-axle). The rapid growth of semi-trailers, especially semi-trailer chassis, fully confirms the trend of heavy-duty development of special-purpose vehicles. The improvement of road conditions and the development of the transportation industry have created good conditions for the high-speed and containerization of road transportation, and at the same time provided broad space for the widespread application of large-tonnage, high-power and multi-axle special-purpose vehicles.

Semi-trailers and special vehicles have a trend of linkage development. From the characteristics of the development trend of the special vehicle industry in recent years, it is not difficult to find that there are many similarities between the development trends of special vehicles and semi-trailers. The development and progress of special vehicles are closely related to the development and progress of semi-trailers and their chassis. The overall level of the semi-trailer industry determines the overall level of the special vehicle industry.

Joint ventures and asset restructuring trends. From the perspective of the international market situation, due to the constraints of labor prices and economic downturn, foreign developed countries have moved their manufacturing industries abroad in recent years, providing certain opportunities for my country’s semi-trailers to enter the foreign market. It has laid a good foundation for domestic special vehicles to enter the international market; on the other hand, foreign special vehicle companies will actively explore the domestic market in order to seek new economic growth points, occupy an absolute advantage in mid-to-high-end products, and through joint ventures, it will play a certain positive role in promoting the development of high value-added products in my country.

From the current situation abroad, with the growth of the economy and the expansion of market needs, through joint ventures, semi-trailer manufacturing has moved abroad, which has promoted the vigorous development of the domestic semi-trailer manufacturing industry to a certain extent.

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