As we all know, car lovers are very concerned about the use of car tires, especially the semi-trailer series, because of the heavy load and high force, the selection of tires should be more worthy of attention. Moreover, the car and the tire are inseparable! In order to make our driver friends familiar with tire knowledge to a great extent, we specially selected this article for everyone to learn together! The summary is as follows:

First, the roar of driving, the front wheel must ensure accurate positioning. Our drivers all know that the positioning of the front wheel has a great impact on the service life of a car’s tires! And especially the front wheel toe and front wheel camber are the key factors! If the front wheel is cambered, it will definitely accelerate the wear of the tire! If the front wheel is toe-in, then the main impact is to accelerate the wear of the inside and outside of the tire! However, the tires of the warehouse semi-trailer are still well designed in this regard!

Second, the tire pressure must be kept consistent! The air pressure inside the tire can be said to be the life of the tire! If the air pressure is too low, the greater the deformation of the tire, the easier it is to crack the side of the tire, and it may also cause excessive heat generation, which will cause the rubber to age and deform, the tire layer to fatigue, the cord to break, etc. In severe cases, the tire can also contact the ground and accelerate the wear of the tire. However, low-bed semi-trailers generally have sufficient spare tires. Of course, if the tire pressure is too high, the tire cord will be overstretched and deformed, the elasticity of the tire will decrease, and the load on the semi-trailer will increase during driving, and once it encounters an impact, it is very likely to cause internal cracks or explosions!

Third, the driver must comply with scientific driving habits. In addition to handling situations during driving, ordinary drivers should try to choose a smooth driving method, and try to avoid stones, glass, metal, etc. that may puncture the tire, and avoid some chemicals on the road, otherwise it will have a great impact on the life of the tire! There are also low-bed semi-trailer companies that remind everyone not to overload, which also has a great impact on the life of the tire, so we won’t talk too much nonsense. The above is an introduction to the service life of tires. I hope it can be helpful to the majority of car owners.

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