The sewage suction pump is a commonly used pump equipment and an essential accessory for cleaning and suction trucks. It can be used to transport various liquids, including sewage, wastewater, etc. In order to maintain the good performance of the sewage suction pump and extend its service life, the editor reminds everyone that regular maintenance is required. The following are the maintenance methods for the sewage suction pump:

  1. Maintenance of the pump body

Regularly check whether the pump body is loose. If it is loose, tighten it in time.

Regularly clean the sediment and dirt inside the pump body to maintain good water flow.

Check the bearings, seals and other wearing parts inside the pump body. If they are worn, replace them in time.

Regularly check the mechanical seals of the pump body to ensure good sealing performance.

  1. Maintenance of the motor

Regularly check whether the wiring of the motor is firm. If it is loose, deal with it in time.

Regularly check the insulation performance of the motor. If it is damaged, replace it in time.

Regularly check the bearings, gears and other wearing parts of the motor. If they are worn, replace them in time.

Regularly check the heat dissipation system of the motor to ensure the normal operation of the motor.

  1. Operation and maintenance

Strictly follow the instruction manual of the sewage suction pump to ensure the normal operation of the pump.

Regularly check the inlet and outlet pressure gauges of the pump to ensure the normal operation of the pump.

Regularly check and maintain the pump to ensure the safety and stability of the pump.

Regularly debug and calibrate the pump to ensure the accuracy and stability of the pump.

  1. Other maintenance

Regularly replace the pump’s lubricating oil to ensure that the pump has good lubrication performance.

Regularly check the pump’s seals and packings, and replace them in time if they are worn.

When using the pump in the cold winter season, special attention should be paid to the pump’s antifreeze and insulation.

Do a good job of daily cleaning and sanitation of the pump to keep the pump’s appearance clean.

The above is the maintenance method of the sewage suction pump. I hope everyone can perform maintenance according to the above method to maintain the good performance of the pump and extend its service life.

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