Low-bed semi-trailers and van semi-trailers both play an important role in road transportation. Low-bed semi-trailers are usually used to transport large-scale machinery and equipment, construction machinery, such as excavators, cranes, steel structures, etc., which are super high, super wide, and super heavy. They are characterized by a low and flat chassis that can increase the loading height and stability, and have unique advantages in the transportation of large-scale machinery and equipment. Van semi-trailers are suitable for transporting various bulk or packaged goods, such as grain, cement, home appliances, textiles, etc. Their closed compartments can protect the goods from the influence of the external environment, and can also effectively prevent the goods from being stolen or damaged. Therefore, low-bed semi-trailers and van semi-trailers both play an important role in road transportation, providing a guarantee for the safe and efficient transportation of goods in all walks of life.

A low-bed semi-trailer is a type of semi-trailer, generally used to transport goods with a large height, such as large machinery and equipment, construction materials, etc. The low-bed semi-trailer has a lower compartment and a lower height between the cargo platform and the ground, which makes the overall transportation more stable and the transportation height more secure. The use of a low-bed semi-trailer can reduce the shaking and bumping of the goods during transportation, thereby protecting the goods and reducing the damage rate. At the same time, for some areas with complex road conditions, low-bed semi-trailers are also very suitable because they have stronger off-road capabilities and are easier to pass through narrow sections and complex road conditions with uneven roads.

A van semi-trailer is a semi-trailer with a loading space enclosed by wall panels. It has a closed cargo box with one or more doors in the middle of the cargo box. This type of semi-trailer is suitable for transporting some goods that need to be protected, such as some goods that are easily damaged and easily affected by the climate, such as electronic equipment, medicines, food, etc. The advantages of a van semi-trailer are that the goods are well protected and not easily disturbed by external factors, making transportation safer and more reliable. In addition, van semi-trailers have good safety performance, high anti-theft performance, and a beautiful and atmospheric appearance. Therefore, they are widely used in many industries, such as logistics, transportation, commerce and trade.

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